
a wintertime clip!

Okay so we finally updated with something other than a few links and some nonsense commentary. Over the last few weeks we’ve made a few trips to UltraViolet Skatepark over in Indianapolis.

Guest appearance by toy machine style king Austin Stephens somewhere in the middle there. God I hope it warms up soon :/

happy new years!

Well it’s officially 2018 now I hope everyone had a good New Years. What’s up with the balmy 60 degree temperatures around here lately? Although it’s kind of a tease when it’s raining the whole time.

Apparently toy machine‘s style king Austin Stephens is originally from Indiana and was home visiting his family over the holidays. He showed up to the indoor park in indy un-announced and showed some of the kiddies how to ride your skateboard with style. We managed to get a couple of clips of him and will post them up once we get a little more footie for the indoor skatepark montage we’re putting together.

Brooklyn banks saved? Let’s see what they do with it. Thanks to Official New York for staying on top of things.…

holy buckets of phlegm

Have i mentioned how much i hate winter? I’ve spent the last three days in a half coma thanks to cold medicine and I’m finally starting to come out of it. The only good part now being i can spit some pretty awesome loogies.

i filmed a little bit at the indoor skatepark last week, don’t expect to see it too soon though, i need some more to do a proper update.

Here’s a link for you… post22 , I know you’ve heard of it, but they just posted a new clip up so go there and suck some bandwidth from james.…

24 hrs to present day

So a bunch of old friends came back into town for the holidays. Good seeing old faces, and how fat everyone has gotten!

I bought myself a new shred sled as an early present to myself, here’s to hoping everyone else gets a new shred sled from Santa! has been updating pretty regularly with real content and not just news/blog/random nonsense posts. Go check it out!…

i’m eating myself sick

I’m seriously addicted to peanut butter fudge… I just ate like a whole plate of it, more than the average person should have and am considering going back to get more. There goes dinner :/

I guess we’re going back to the indoor park in Indianapolis again tomorrow. Maybe we’ll get some indoor park footage! rock!

Someone send me some interesting links, I can feel my will power fading fast and I don’t know how much long I can keep updating this news section on a daily basis.…

weather sucks…

So winter seems to be in full swing here in illinois now. with that comes lots of time sitting around on the computer, watching movies, and playing video games. I have managed to find a fun new way to waste a little time! As i was walking through wal-mart the other day I spotted one of these gems..

I’ve managed to spend a couple of hours on galaga for the last couple nights and i’m getting quite good at it! These are the games I spent the better part of my younger years (and the better part of my allowance) playing.

Speaking of being trapped indoors for extended amounts of time, there is one video that I could probably watch over and over till spring that just came out. Go to your skate shop and pick up the new toy machine video, it won’t disappoint.

If that’s not enough, wiskate

ole nipple knees

One of the reasons i love the internet is when i come across things like guys that have a pierced third nipple on their knee. I’d love to hang out with that dude and make him show that to everybody I know, I’m pretty sure most of my friends would think it is as kick ass as I do.

It appears as though platinum has joined in the holiday spirit by posting their christmas skatepark clip. For some reason it stops loading for me about three quarters of the way through the clip? Might just be my computer. I’m assuming the skatepark in the clip is none other than 3rd lair, which looks like a pretty nice place to spend cold winter days.

I’ve noticed our fix the mini-ramp fund hasn’t seen any action for awhile… we’re still a few hundred dollars shy of making skatelite on our …

i’m already out of stuff to post about

So apparently i’m supposed to make daily updates now, which feels kind of weird. I almost feel like i’m some angsty goth/emo kid writing in his livejournal or something. Just for shits and giggles maybe i’ll post every day about how i’m depressed and lonely and write really bad poetry!

Apparently dudeswithtudes felt left out of the little circle of friendship that has sprung up between us, wiskate, and platinum seagulls, and decided to take a little jab at us! I guess i should have included all of the members of the all powerful triumvirate before i started posting insults. the good news is that dudeswithtudes did wish us a merry christmas so i can no longer say that NOBODY in the triumvirate has shown any christmas spirit.

Speaking of christmas spirit, it is alive and well over here at tfsmag HQ. At one point during last week …