weather sucks…

So winter seems to be in full swing here in illinois now. with that comes lots of time sitting around on the computer, watching movies, and playing video games. I have managed to find a fun new way to waste a little time! As i was walking through wal-mart the other day I spotted one of these gems..

I’ve managed to spend a couple of hours on galaga for the last couple nights and i’m getting quite good at it! These are the games I spent the better part of my younger years (and the better part of my allowance) playing.

Speaking of being trapped indoors for extended amounts of time, there is one video that I could probably watch over and over till spring that just came out. Go to your skate shop and pick up the new toy machine video, it won’t disappoint.

If that’s not enough, wiskate‘s own Tim Olson just posted an interview that he did with alien workshop‘s own Don Pendleton. It’s an interesting read about an interesting dude.

That’s it for now, you guys need to go out and find some more links to weird freako’s like the guy with the nipple on his knee so I have more to write about :/